Tuesday, 12 May 2009

My Boobs Are OK! Big Boob Anime Clips and Drawings

Wobble Wobble Bounce Bounce! Spotted an nice anime girl boob vid today, so thought I’d post it up. Some fine specimens in this one if I do say so myself. I gotta hand it to the Japanese- they know what they’re doing when it comes to showing off a pair of hot anime girl boobs!

Any idea what animes these clips or drawings are from?

Is it just me or is Youtube pretty much full of potty-mouth kids that think they know everything? Either that, or the give the impression they know nothing. Most the time it’s the comments on these videos that make me laugh more than the video itself. These people dont hold back! Some of the comments on this one included:

I Popped Like 10 Boners Watching This

List of anime's i recognize: Haruhi, DearS, Eiken Club, Girls Bravo, Mouse, Bleach: Not much and another one that's a Harem one but can't remember teh name as for the rest idk or r too random.

LOL X-D *nosebleeds

lol the end picture was the best :P i lost :[

not bad but i like them normal size

Hentai much? 0:40?!!!!! Hot. Hooray for 17,000 people who didn't flag this

uhh *speechless with mouth open*
i think u over did it, dont you think

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