Friday, 29 August 2008

Article on Manga and Hentai: People’s views

This is an article recently found by a fellow Blogger that wishes to remain anon. Perhaps he’s just trying to justify being pervy? Although realistically, I have to agree with some of his points about the western world looking down on sexy material, but looking up to real life sexual acts.

The original poster of this article does not condone sexual acts of anyone person under the legal age nor does the poster condone anyone under the legal age to view adult related materials. This is simply a commentary on others and personal views towards hentai or pornographic materials.


Went into college today, did some drawing and brought in some manga reference material. Half the class came over to flick through some of the manga stuff I’d brought in and kept commenting on how ‘dirty’ it was and stuff. I’m thinking “SERIOUSLY?!” It’s like the first time they’d ever seen a panty shot and thought it was so weird! I got the impression several people thought I was a pervert for owning these books. Again, I’m thinking “WHAT, REALLY?!” They should see some of the hardcore shit I’ve got at home, or just see the quantity of this kinda stuff I own- THEN they might have grounds for thinking I’m a bit pervy, which I guess is fair enough. But f*ck me- you’ve got critics like my class-mate Jane that were f***ing at 15, yet no one calls her a pervert!

At the end of the day, Sure, I like the pervy stuff, it’s cute, sexy, fun and beautiful girls and artwork is just great eye candy. I don’t give a s#!t what anyone else things. BUT I do get annoyed how seemingly narrow-minded some of these kids from college can be.

“OH MY GOD- LOOK AT THIS- She’s got her tits out!!!” – I’m like, “so???” Seems weird that you’re socially “allowed to f***, but you’re not allowed to look”- It would seem f***ing is fine, but looking at pics of girls or porn makes you a pervert in the eyes of a lot of people. What is this shit all about?! Maybe I just take my pervy tendencies for granted or have been desensitized to all this suggestive or sexual manga stuff, but for me it’s totally no big deal and I can’t comprehend why other people think it’s so bad to look at it, yet not bad to go out and f***!!
I know that there’s A LOT worse stuff in Japan, which is drawn BY girls, and often FOR girls, or is easily accessible to kids, YET is this “Pervy material” really so bad?? At the end of the day- Japan is full to the hilt with readily accessible hentai, Lolita porn, tentacle rape sex and worse, BUT crime rates and sexual crime rates in Japan are the lowest in the world. Statistically, a society that embraces this so called ‘pervy art culture’ seems to be a lot better off than cultures that view porn as bad but actual f***ing as acceptable!

I loved it when Shaun got out his hardcore anime sex scene movies at college- that shut em up. I was just thinking- Cool, this is pretty good s#!t. Hot girls, good animation, cool style, nice eye candy and a little arousing too- it’s all good stuff... Yet everyone else laughs and comments “OH MY GOD”. Again, in almost disbelief, I just sit there thinking, what’s the big deal? Some of these kids have had a lot of real sex, mixed it up in the bedroom and stuff, but still seem shocked when viewing this kinda material. I dunno if I’ll ever understand. I guess I’m just used to it and will have to put up with people thinking I’m “a pervert and bad for being a pervert” just ‘cos that’s the kinda society and environment people have been raised in.

For the Japanese, or someone heavily influenced by that culture a, or anyone with a liberated mind or anyone that has knowledgeable about the facts, there’s not really anything wrong with it.

By me defending it, I would be seen to just be a ridiculous, sad pervert standing up for my own sick, twisted views and fantasies!

BUT if one is to you step outside their own culture and preconceived opinions or morals they will probably discover that an adult into hentai (for perverted, artistic or other reasons) for example isn’t doing anyone any harm and in fact is can be seen as good by;

  • Promoting creativity- it is undeniable an art form
  • Limiting real life porn/ abuse to real girls who feel they need to degrade themselves for a quick buck.
  • Reducing sexual abuse in the real world by keeping fantasies limited to artwork and paper etc.

Lol. My argument makes the opposing views almost laughable! People however, could say:
“any form of sexual representation can influence the minds of others and put ideas in people’s heads”

- It’s true that hentai for example will influence people, but people simply don’t watch a movie of a girl being raped, then become rapists! That would be F***ING STUPID to think that!.. I guess, of course, unless they’re some stupid, simple-minded American, who would probably do it anyway- or worse for living in a society that forced him to repress is urges.

“It’s not right to portray girls as sex objects”

- It’s human nature for god sake! Dont gimme some PC crap about sex being for older husbands and wife’s only! You can’t deny kids have hormones and are sexually active. Girls become fertile from the ages of like 11-15- you know why? SO THEY CAN F*** AND HAVE BABIES! They aren’t meant to wait ‘till they’re in their mid 20s or whatever. Again, it’s human nature for guys to like younger girls as they are biologically more fertile and in their prime. You can use morals or personal preference to justify only liking older women, but if you forget social acceptance or cultural rules, get back to basics and see people for what they were intended to be, you can’t deny girls jobs are to look pretty, get a mate and be looked after, while guys have a burning desire to f*** and battle!

“But we have evolved and are civilized now”

I realize this, and think it’s a good idea to enforce limits and restriction on people and society to maintain order. So, I am happy that there is an age limit on sex, to stop younger girls being taken advantage of, and I am happy there are laws that stop sexual abuse to any age of women.

When it comes to consensual real life porn, I don’t have a problem with it- if girls know what they’re doing and choose to degrade themselves for money (and there are loads that do), that’s up to them and I’m happy to then watch them! They don’t supply the demand- I watch it ‘cos it’s there and I like if, if it wasn’t there, I’d be a bit gutted, but I would respect the fact that girls don’t want to degrade themselves and I can live without it! But I’m not too far up my own a$$ to think ‘it’s wrong’ or I am bad for liking it.

When it comes to manga or hentai, it’s not real, so it’s not hurting or degrading anyone for a start. If there is a demand for it, then that’s fine to supply that demand since fictional characters can’t get hurt. I don’t think it’s wrong to illustrate girls as sexual object for men. It’s fantasy, it’s fun, it allows artist and reader to collaborate in a safe environment, fulfilling any human urges, without upsetting anyone- as I say, it’s a good thing, opposed to the alternative. If you don’t like it, don’t read it! And you have NO RIGHT to have a go at the artist or reader who are happy being involved with each other through the artwork, without hurting anyone and without the intention to disturb anyone.

Unfortunately, the images will have the unintended side effect of catching the attention of people who don’t like it and feel that just because they don’t like it, it’s bad. And it’s unfair on the artist or reader when these people feel it’s their duty to put them down and make them feel bad.

- It’s the negative, opinionated outsider that causes the trouble- not the artist, images or readers!!!

It’s a shame that these stubborn outsiders cannot be educated. You can’t convince them that a pic of a big tit manga girl doesn’t degrade girls, or make guys expect girls to be like that, or put girls under pressure to look like that. I can’t deny that in some cases, this kinda art will have this side effect. BUT it is ignorant to believe that just cos people see images, they will always model themselves on them. Just like it is ignorant to think people will become murderers for watching a gangster films.

I am happy that these days people generally are becoming more accepting of other cultures, beliefs, and opinions and most people don’t think their son will become a killer for playing Grand Theft Auto or their daughter will become a whore for watching a Demi Moore movie! Most people aren’t stupid and know fact from fiction and in an age of TV, Cinema, Games, people are more aware of this than ever.

But I’m am still annoyed, frustrated and surprised how negatively opinionated some people can be towards manga and hentai.

For me, it’s something that just has to be accepted I suppose. I KNOW manga and hentai isn’t BAD for me and doesn’t make me into a bad person. It’s my interest, I like it, it makes me happy and if people that have a problem with it, can’t either be educated or ignore it, then I’ve only got one thing to say to them:

**** YOU!


1 comment:

Tentacle_Lover said...

*CHEERS* I could ramble on for several paragraphs about how much I agree with you, but I'll make it short and sweet...I'm sooo glad to have someone who shares the views of my husband and myself. I'm actually the bigger hentai/manga fan of the 2 of us :P but not by much. Anywho...wonderful to see this article. :)